When The Meaning of Christmas Changes.
I love Christmas.
But not the way I used to.
I love Christmas movies, I love buying gifts, I love the baking, and I love driving the streets at night, gazing at all the Christmas lights adorning houses.
But I don’t love the clichés… the over-religiousness (or however you say it) of it all. I don’t believe that Jesus is the ONLY reason for the season, or that there is one way or one lens to do and see Christmas through.
I’ve written a bunch of daily reflections for those of us who do Christmas a little differently, who might not experience it like we used to, or who are wanting a more authentic connection to it. They started way back (it feels like such a long time ago) at the start of December and will carry on into the new year, published first and foremost on my app: The Practice Co.
There are ‘Christmas things’ that I don’t do anymore, and that I don’t believe anymore. And there are other Christmas things I believe and do now more than ever. But here’s the thing: Christmas is universal not in method, but in spirit. So whatever and however you need to experience Christmas, you can do just that.
One of the things I don’t do anymore is endless cooking. I’m not about it. I am too tired for it. And frankly, here in Australia, it’s too hot for it. So I don’t do it. And do you know who cares? NO ONE.
Free yourself to create the Christmas of YOUR dreams. Because, essentially, the Christmas spirit is about connection, wonder, and curiosity. And those same things will manifest differently in each of us. The important thing isn’t the what, but the how.
Much love,
Liz xo