Not everything is for always, right?

Some things are seasonal—roles, relationships, habits that fit us for a time but no longer feel aligned. Others stay with us, becoming anchors, threads woven through our lives that remind us who we are. The question isn’t just, What have I left behind? It’s also, What will I keep?

What we choose to carry says a lot about what we value, which can in turn reveal a lot to us about ourselves - things that need addressing, and things that deserve celebrating.

We often hear talk about what to let go of, what to leave behind and move on from. But what we choose to keep should be just as deliberate. If you're like me, you'll probably find that there are some things you're keeping that you should leave behind, and things you've left behind that you need to go back for.

So, what will you keep?

JOURNAL PROMPT: What from the past year feels worth carrying forward? Write down three things—big or small—that you want to hold onto, and why they matter to you.

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