Does God really Punish and Bless?

Some of the things we believe about God and the world and ourselves keep us from God and the world and ourselves. We get in our own way by adhering to toxic beliefs that divide and belittle and diminish, distracting us from the real work of the spiritual path, which is to go deeper, not get smaller.

There are a few iterations of a line in John's memoir, and some of them read as:

More of God, less of me.

God must increase, and I must decrease.

God must become more important, I must become less important.

God must be bigger, and I must be smaller.*

You may have been taught, directly or subliminally, that to increase God in your life, you need to decrease your sense of self, your dreams and hopes and plans, your ambition and longings and desires; give them up, sacrifice them on the altar. In the extreme, it may have been communicated to you in a thousand different ways that for you to be holy, you must rid yourself of yourself.

Many of us have spent years shrinking ourselves so that God can fit in the room, folding ourselves up so small and tight so that we might glorify God as God should be glorified; thinking of ourselves less and less to the point where we don't even know who we are anymore so that God can take up as much space as possible in our minds and hearts.

BUT LISTEN: The universe is not running out of room. There is an abundance of it all. YOU are an abundance of it all. And God created you to share this abundance with.

There is room here, take up your space in the energy that God is all around you, in you, and through you. There is no competition between you and God for glory and space.

Settle. Breathe. The universe is a roomy place.

There's a whole story that gives John The Baptists' words "God must increase, I must decrease," context, and a life beyond the dualistic idea of giving up on yourself so that God can be God, and we’re going to explore that this week in the App. Join me?

Love ya

Liz Milani xo
Instagram: @thepracticeco 

From this week’s series titled "A GETTING OUT OF YOUR OWN WAY" with a subscription in the App. Hope to see you there.

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