Anger is good for you.

In these crazy, chaotic times, where crisis looms large, and the world seems like its blowing up right under our noses, what we need more than ever, is a resurgence, a revolution, a movement of


Yes, you read that correctly.

I once saw Liz Gilbert speak live in Sydney Australia, and to a room full of ‘Type A Business Women,’ she put forth this idea:

Calm - not intelligence, not working harder or smarter, not coming up with the brightest and best ideas - is how we will make it through these fearful times.

And there is much to fear. Anyone who says otherwise is asleep, or in denial, or both.

This week in the Practice Co App is a series called A CALM REVOLUTION, and it’s about being grounded is calm is more powerful than a show of force fuelled by fear. Which sounds obvious unless you’re in something that is fanning the flames of fear and anxiety, and you feel like you might combust if you don’t do something rash and big.

The fear ramps up doesn't it? It's like a flower that blooms. It starts off small, in a tight bud, slowly opening one tendril at a time, until its final act, when it seems to burst loose from its captivity and blossoms into brilliance.

The question is: How do you WANT to move through these days?

Fear will tell you that you don't have a choice. It's a bully that tries to corner you into a position of manipulation and panic; it wants to drive your decisions and dictate your actions. It tells you what you need to do and how you need to do it and makes you feel like your body takes off without your permission and reacts and runs and goes manic.

But you don't have to listen to fear.

You are stronger than you think you are.

There is peace to be found in this season.

There is.

Just take a breath. Make it big and deep and long. Remember who you are beneath all the noise and clamour. Look for peace and find it. It is there waiting for you.

JOURNAL PROMPT: How do you want to move through these days? Think less about the things you CAN’T control, and focus on what you can.

Join me in the app this week, we’ll pursue calm together.

Love ya

Liz Milani xo
Instagram: @thepracticeco 

From this week’s series titled "A CALM REVOLUTION" with a subscription in the App. Hope to see you there.

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