God is a pleasure seeker?

Adrienne Mishler (yoga with Adrienne - need I say more?), during her practice, often says:

‘Find what feels good.’

What happens in your body when you hear that? What sensations ripple through you? What images pop up in your mind? How does that phrase make you feel in your gut?

For those of us who grew up in fundamental environments or have been in them for some time, ‘finding what feels good’ can bring up dissonant emotions and reactions. When you’re taught that you are not good; that there is nothing good in you; that sacrifice is the highest and holiest spiritual act; that to sacrifice means to deny your essential self (instead of the ego which is what Jesus encouraged us to do - more on that later), ideas and suggestions of finding what feels good can feel wrong and dangerous, as though they may lead you down some dark path from which there is no return.

When I first started deconstructing my faith, I remember being afraid that I would lose touch with my moral centre, and that I would be vulnerable to damage and danger. The truth was, for me and for you too, that I wasn’t letting go of my centre; I was letting go of a structure that no longer served me in search for my centre.

This seven part series starts today in The Practice Co App; it’s about how to find what feels good. We’ll look at how goodness has been co-opted by toxic sin theologies and damaging dogmas about sacrifice and explore what it is to seek and find what feels good, what feeling has to do with it, how we can use the sensations in our bodies and the emotions that come up for us to explore what goodness is and find it for ourselves.

When you feel good you cannot help but do good, and when you do good, it generates experiences and sensations of goodness. God is, afterall, a pleasure seeker. Yes, you read that right. God’s ultimate reason for creating and creation was and is to experience feelings, sensations, manifestations of goodness and pleasure. You can read about that in the Bible. It’s there, even if you’ve been told otherwise.

Meet me in the App this week for more?

Love ya

Liz Milani xo
Instagram: @thepracticeco 

From this week’s series titled "WHAT FEELS GOOD?" with a subscription in the App. Hope to see you there.

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