How long will you wait to be rescued?

Palm Sunday was yesterday, and I have to admit, this year I don’t feel an incredible connection to Holy Week, and its stories. I posted a reel in Instagram where I explained that I was giving up lent for lent.

My whole Christian journey was an exercise in lack. Always waiting for Jesus to make the difference, for God to perform a miracle, to be forgiven and healed. Constantly told that my body was a distraction and would lead me (and others) astray. Consistently reminded that my heart was evil and no good thing could from my own wisdom. I needed a saviour, because I was wretched. You only need rescuing if you’re in danger, and so apparently, the natural state of my human life was un-safe.

Etched into the fabric of many of our Christian experiences, is a belief that we are not enough, and we need more, and we get that more by dying to ourselves, sacrificing, giving up, and giving it all.

I’ve had enough.

I recently wrote on instagram:

I’m giving up lent for lent.

I’m practicing a complete lack of lack.

For too long I’ve lived like I’m empty,

I’ve lived like I need saving,

I’ve lived like I’m deep in a tomb waiting for rebirth, waiting for love, waiting for blessing and wonder and miracles.

Not anymore.

I know in my bones that I am luminous, I contain multitudes, I am the miracle, love is already mine. I’ve just been too nervous, timid, co-dependant, wounded, to practice actually LIVING it.

Now is the time to live like I’ve already risen.

And maybe that is what Jesus was thinking when he rode into Jerusalem that Palm Sunday centuries ago and said:

"If only you could recognise that this day peace is within your reach! But you cannot see it.”

Sounds like he was little over it all, too.

Peace was within their reach, but they couldn't see it. They were looking for someone to fulfil peace on their behalf, who would do it for them, give it to them as a gift, delivered on a silver platter, to be put on the mantlepiece for all to see and none to question.

Peace is within your reach, do you dare to see it?

How long will we wait to be rescued until we get on with doing the work ourselves?

The Easter message isn't that Jesus was coming to save us, deliver us, fight and win for us what we needed - it's that we already are what we need, we already have the tools, we have the goodness we think is beyond us buried deep inside of us. We are the ordinary miracle we’ve been waiting for.

Easter is about your awareness rising in your state of consciousness. The only thing we’ve ever lacked is the belief that peace is within our reach, buried in our goodness, available to us and for us, right here and now.

This week in the Practice Co App, we re-write Easter, and experience it from a different perspective. Come along if you want more, I’d love to see you there.

Liz Milani xo
Instagram: @thepracticeco 

From this week’s series titled "Everyday, Ordinary Miracles," with a subscription in the App. Hope to see you there.

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