Can you really prove anything?

I know you want proof. I do.

We look for signs, proof, small notions and nods of affirmation to know what to do and when to do it, what not to do, and when not to do it. We want some certainty around the impact of our decisions and choices and actions; we want some concrete, tangible proof we can pull out of our back pockets whenever we need a sign of validity around our work, the world,


But who is proof for?

What are you trying to prove?

How does that work?

Who has the authority to deem proof, proof?

For those of us who grew up or spent any amount of time in faith communities and traditions, perhaps you were taught to be like Moses, and heed the signs…

Somedays, I check all the hedges in my garden and down my street, almost willing them to burn and speak to me about who I am and what I should I do. Heck, I don't even wear my shoes, just in case. But the bushes don't burn and they remain stoically silent. For all my sign seeking, the heavens are quiet in the face of my demands for proof.

The ancient story tells us that through a burning bush, God said to Moses:

"Take off your sandals because the ground that you're standing on is holy."*

As Rob Bell said:

"Did the ground suddenly become holy? Or did Moses just become aware of the holiness he was walking on? Are we standing on holy ground all the time?"

Is it possible that we miss the forest for the trees? That we're too busy looking for burning bushes and shooting stars that we miss the fire and light hidden everywhere in our normal everyday lives? This week in The Practice Co App, we’ll explore the possibility that the ground has always been holy, and that our lifelong challenge is to keep our eyes and hearts open to it.

No one really knows what they're doing except that they're doing it. Proof is more of a proving than it is a static point on a piece of paper. Think of it as proving sourdough, not proving a point. As in, you don't need to prove yourself, not to anyone or anything; you only need to let life work its miracle in you as you experience it, and be available to its lessons. But more on that in this weeks series: You Don’t Need Proof.

I’m so grateful for this community, and particularly, App subscribers. It’s because of you guys that this week continues to be possible. Thank you.

REMEMBER: You do not need to prove yourself, not to anyone or anything. Your work is to decide that you are enough, and then live like it. That in and of itself will prove many things to you about yourself, others, and the world.

* Exodus 3:5.

Join me this week in the App, I’ll be ‘not needing proof’ right along with you…

Liz Milani xo
Instagram: @thepracticeco 

From this week’s series titled "You Don’t Need Proof" with a subscription in the App. Hope to see you there.

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