As Things Are Shifting

We need a shift.
We've been saying it for generations. Something has got to give. Something has got to change.
It can't keep on going like this.

Well, things have shifted. Things have changed. The world is not as it was even a few months ago. Our opportunity has arrived.

How will you shift with it?

As talk of normalcy begins, have you decided what you want to be normal? Have you thought about how you want to return to the world, and how you want it returned to you?

It's exciting, scary, anxiety-inducing, hopeful, wary... Perhaps you feel both hesitant and relieved? And that's OK - feelings aren't exclusive. Open your heart and yourself to all that needs to be expressed and processed.

As you, and the world, shift and change with this newness you have found yourself in, there is a way to be grounded through it all.

The writer of Malachi said that God said:

I do not change.*

And the writer of Hebrews echoed that when they wrote:

For Jesus doesn't change—yesterday, today, tomorrow, he's always totally himself.*

It's not that God doesn't change - that the way we see and hear and feel The Divine; the way we express and explain and try to grasp in our hands and minds and hearts some sense of who God is and what God does and what it all means - those things are always evolving and changing and becoming, not just as our technology and understanding advances, but from person to person, too. God is experiential as much as God is anything else...

And God is always available to be experienced and engaged. That has never changed, and never will.

God is always. God is present. God is here.

We are the ones who shift and change and morph to align ourselves with God's ever-ness.

Dogma and doctrine, words and stories, prayers and potions - these things change. They do. They must. They're seasonal and depend upon the lens and situation of those who create and tell them.

God is what remains. Energy, life source, the ground of being, that oneness that connects us all - earth, humans fire, water, animals, and the sun and moon and stars...

Ever. Always.

There is great freedom in that truth.

You are free to shift and change and discover without fear of losing that connection, without the anxiety of missing out on the ever-ness of Divine life force.

The world has changed. As it must. As it has. As it has always done. Can you feel the shift? Can you feel a shift within you?

Do not fear it. Surrender. Trust. Have faith. Sink into that deep place in your spirit where the holy and the human collide. Find your peace, and then my friend? Carry on with the shift. You will not lose yourself. You will not lose God. You will only continue to find and be found.

Mindful Prompt: What three things are changing in the immediate world around you? And how are they impacting your inner world? Bring your attention to the fact that while you may not be able to change what's changing around you, you can direct whats changing within you.

(This post is an excerpt from The Practice Co App series called "As Things Are Shifting", available to download for iOS and Android! It includes daily devotionals, phone wallpapers, a daily mindful prompt and more included. Start with a free trial or subscribe to get access to each new series as they come out.)

Much love from  Liz Milani.
Instagram: @thepracticeco

* Malachi 3:6
* Hebrews 13:8

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