You house the holy; the spark of creation

You have always been filled with the spark of creation; you have always housed the holy within the cells and sinews of your body and heart. Embrace your humanity, it is how God shows up in the world.

The Genesis poem describes the dust of the earth and the breath of the spirit coming together to form humanity. “God created humankind in Gods own image,” it says, “In the image of God, God created them.”* This breathtaking picture the writer of Genesis is trying to convey is that since humanity came to be, we have always been united with The Divine.

Paul wrote to his friends in Corinth and said: 

“God chose those whom the world considers foolish to baffle those who think they are wise, and God chose the puny and powerless to baffle the high and mighty.” *

Drop everything you’ve been taught about this verse from a dualistic lens… that there are foolish people and wise people, and see it instead through the lens of the True Self and the False Self, because this is a challenge we all face within ourselves, with each other, within nations, and between countries.

There is an image that appears to be right and wise and acceptable; a level of success or achievement that seems to be the most desirable; there’s an idea of power and control that many want to seize for themselves, but none of these images - the projection of them - compares to the humble power of being


Ludicrous. Foolish. Maybe even wicked, they’ll say, if you reject their ideals of acceptability, their hoops of belonging, and their means of power, so that you can allow yourself to be and bloom and become. We resist this destiny because we fear it’s too dangerous, we fear it's too good to be true, we fear we are not worth it.

What you’re feeling is not danger but vulnerability. Your nervous system may register that as being unsafe, and fright, flight, fawn, or freeze might arise in an attempt to keep you from harm. But the only way to keep yourself safe from living a measured, small life, is to open it up, live it from the heart, and walk yourself out into the world.

Meditation: You have always been filled with the spark of creation; you have always housed the holy within the cells and sinews of your body and heart. Embrace your humanity, it is how God shows up in the world.

From my upcoming series, "Image Is Everything" this week with a subscription in the App.

Written by Liz Milani.
Instagram: @thepracticeco

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