New Year, same you

Welcome, 2024.

What a treat it is to meet you. Some of us feel as though we barely made it here, to this place, to this day. Some of us feel ready. Most of us feel a mix of both. We greet you with all that we have - from a little to a lot, in rest and in distress. Here we are, and here you are, and together, we are finally in the same place. I wonder, what do you hold for me this year? For us? What twists and turns, joys and beauty await us? What lessons shall we learn? Where will we find ourselves this time next year?


As the calendar turns over to a new year, we often find ourselves bombarded with the familiar mantra: "New Year, New You." The pressure to reinvent ourselves, set ambitious goals, and embark on a radical transformation can be tempting and overwhelming. Grandiose ideas of personal metamorphosis can end up being a form of escapism. I’m working on an idea about the impact of the concept of miracles - how the desire for a one-off life-transforming act can keep us from doing the daily work of showing up and living our way into change.

The New Year Fantasy of total life transformation beyond what is achievable, reasonable, and grounded in critical awareness, can give us the illusion of hope, but it ends up leaving us feeling disappointed and often like a failure. What if this year, we approached the beginning of 2024 with a different perspective—one that doesn't discard the old but embraces it?

Reflecting on the Past Year:

Before setting our sights on the future, it's essential to reflect on the journey we've traversed. The past year was filled with triumphs and trials, moments of joy and beauty, and unexpected challenges. Each experience has contributed to the tapestry of our lives, shaping us in ways we might not yet fully comprehend and will continue to reveal itself through this new year. Take a moment to revisit the milestones and the hurdles. Acknowledge the lessons learned from both successes and setbacks. In this reflection, we find the raw materials for personal growth. It's not about erasing the old you; it's about learning from and integrating every chapter of your story.

Crafting the Letter: Encouragement, Lessons, Hopes, and Dreams:

A powerful way to anchor yourself in the present and prepare for the future is by writing a letter to the new year. Begin with words of encouragement, acknowledging your resilience, strength, and the uniqueness that is inherently you. Celebrate the victories, no matter how small, and recognize your capacity to overcome challenges. Move on to the lessons learned—a crucial aspect of personal and spiritual growth. What insights did you gain? How have these experiences shaped your perspective?

By acknowledging the lessons, you empower yourself with the wisdom to navigate the coming year. Express your hopes and dreams authentically. What aspirations lie in the depths of your heart? What do you want? By putting them into words, you breathe life into your desires.

Remember, this is not about unrealistic goal-setting but about articulating your deepest yearnings, which in and of itself can reveal your purpose.

Audre Lorde once said:

"I have come to believe over and over again that what is most important to me must be spoken, made verbal and shared, even at the risk of having it bruised or misunderstood."

Start here: Dear 2024, it’s nice to meet you. I have come so far. I want so much. I need certain things. Let me tell you…

Grounding yourself in hope and calm in the quest for the new:

It's easy to get swept away by the currents of uncertainty. This is where finding a stable point of reference becomes invaluable. Ground yourself in hope—a profound belief that, regardless of the challenges, there is a path forward. Cultivate calmness amid the chaos. In the stillness, you discover the clarity needed to navigate life's twists and turns. As you envision the upcoming year, let hope be your compass, and calmness your anchor.

In embracing the new year, we don't have to discard the old version of ourselves. We can weave the past into the fabric of our evolving identity.

REMEMBER: There is no old or new you; all that you have been so far is not a burden to be shed but a foundation upon which to build. Anchor yourself in hope, speak your truths, and welcome the coming year with open arms.

See you in the App,

Liz Milani xo
Instagram: @thepracticeco 

From this week’s series titled "New Year, Same You," with a subscription in the App. Hope to see you there.

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