It is safe to be you. Your life is holy

You are a safe place to be. 

Your heart. 
Your mind. 
Your body. 


Beautiful and holy and true.
Come home to yourself.
Settle. Rest. Strengthen. Rise. 

Maybe it’s been so long since you've been here. You've been taught how dark and dangerous it is... how the halls of your heart will trap you, and the rooms of your longing are untrustworthy, and how the hearth of your spirit is the centre of corruption.

And maybe it's not just what you've been taught, but what's happened to you, too.

Perhaps you've been broken intobroken in pieces... the windows have blown open and the hinges were torn off.

The treasures within the walls of your body and life splintered and stolen and left for dead. 

And you ran... you took yourself from that place of damage. You hid in productivity and people-pleasing and making lists and being certain. You made masks of confidence and humour, walls out of pretending and hiding.

Even things like food and drink and sex and money, all good and wholesome things that can be used to keep you from good and wholesome things, too. Because sometimes it's just all too much to go home and see the mess that needs tender attention.

It feels too big. Too complicated. Too messy. 

Too unholy. 

But God? The Divine can do complicated and messy and big.

One of the creation stories in the book of Genesis talks about how God hovered over the chaos, and from the chaos, all God had to do to create a home from and with it all was to speak to it, tell it what and who it was, remind them of their form and beauty:

"let there be light,"

and the chaos offered light from its own self.

I wonder what light you'll find within those rooms and halls and hearths that you've deemed and have been told are too messy and dangerous and damaged and evil to enter? 

What treasures lie on the floor, are hidden in bookshelves, are waiting in the cupboard for you to finally come home and find them, take them out, fall in love again. 

Your heart, your body, your life, are sacred, are holy places...

You are holy ground.

You are grounded in the holiness of The Divine in you. It is safe to be where you are. It is safe to be you.

It is safe to finally come home to yourself. 

Come home.

And if you can't find your way there, then dear one, look for love. Look for Light.

Take it one step at a time.

Breathe into it - hand on your heart, feet on the ground.

Listen to your body as she whispers her wonder to you.

Listen to your heart as he swells with feeling and knowing.

Tune into your gut as it twists and turns with intuition and understanding.

To come home to yourself, you must start seeing your body and your life as a place that you can be.

Practice being there, with you, here, now.

It will feel awkward at first like all friendships do at the beginning... but you'll soon get that hint of recollection, that familiar feeling like you've known each other all this time.

So knock on the door and let yourself in.

Mindful Prompt: Your heart, your body, your life, are sacred, are holy places... you are holy ground. You are grounded in the holiness of The Divine in you. It is safe to be where you are. It is safe to be you. It is safe to finally come home to yourself.

Continued in the series "Find Your Way Home", this week with a subscription in the App.

Written by Liz Milani.
Instagram: @thepracticeco

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