The secret to you finding God

Notice how it feels.

Sink down deep into it.

Let your body have the microphone for a minute. Let it spill its scripture all over your cells and sinews, emptying into your heart. 

Let it settle. 
Calm down. 
Deep breaths. 

Can you feel it now? 

I know you've been told that a good life looks like this, and a holy life feels like that, and if you live this way you won't feel that way, and if you did this you'd get that, and if you were just someone a little less human than you are

…you'd find God. 

Did you find God in all the places you tried to be in but weren't? In all that grasping and trying and wishing?

Putting things on that were never yours to wear or carry? Was it easier to meet God by pretending to be someone else?

Walking a path that isn't yours to walk?

Going a way you were told to go rather than dancing to the rhythm of the beat in your soul? 

You have this one life.

You are here, at this moment of time, not another.

You have your skin. You have your eyes. You have the way you feel and understand and dream and hope. All of these things are yours. Everything that you are and everything that you have, yours.

Anyone who tells you that God requires you to be someone other than who you are to embody the Divine on the earth is someone who themselves is grasping, too; who doesn't feel at home in their skin, and are projecting and dismissing and pacifying their fears by trying to control yours.

Don't let them. Don't let all the ways you've been taught to deny your heart and your feelings, your goodness and worth, dictate terms to you, either. I know, they told me, too. That my value was in what I do. That I was a soldier and a servant. That if the 'Kindgom' needed me to lay myself, or someone, or something, I love on the altar, I was to do it; sacrifice all for the sake of the cause. 

But dear friend, let me tell you, you are not a soldier or a servant. Love may sometimes involve sacrifice, but that's always more about collaboration and connection than dying and denying. You let some things go so you can embrace more than what you currently have.

So let this go. Let it drop to the ground. Let it fall on the deaf ears. Stop walking this path that is not yours. It won't take you where you think it will, where you've been told it will.

Stop. Settle. Calm. Breathe. 

There is a way that is yours, and you are meant to go that way. If God is in all and through and by God all things have their being, then God is not anywhere other than where you are, in who you are, holding it all together, not because God is afraid it will fall apart if God leaves, but because God IS the fabric of all things and you cannot be separated from Divine love, you can only be unaware of it, you can only not believe it. 

So believe, dear one, I dare you. 

And you can always and ever rise up into it. Rise into yourself. Rise in all the ways only you can, and then walk. Walk, or run if you want, and then slow down, and dance, and maybe even sing, whistle, close your eyes and pray with your heart open... 

That's how you'll find God. And the secret that no one tells you is this: 

You don't have to get to wherever you're going to find God. God is here already, in the journey, where you are, but in you, as you go. 

Go your own way. God is right there, waiting for you. 

Mindful Prompt: You don't have to get to wherever you're going to find God. God is in the journey, where you are, so journey on, pilgrim, journey on. 

Continued in the series "Go Your Own Way", this week with a subscription in the App.

Written by Liz Milani.
Instagram: @thepracticeco

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