Are you hiding behind your behaviour?
What would happen if you came out from all of your hiding places?
We all conceal parts of ourselves, seeking refuge from the world and even those who care about us. Hiding is a defense mechanism, a shield against perceived threats.
But what exactly are we protecting ourselves from?
In sacred texts, God is often described as a refuge, a place of ultimate safety. Yet, there's also an interpretation of these stories and texts that suggests we need to shield ourselves from the world, sin, the Devil, and even our own desires, all deemed as potential sources of evil.
Fear has this ability to turn the beautiful and powerful into foreboding entities, causing us to hide from them even if we don’t need to. We create prayers, invoke protective angels, erect rigid boundaries, and establish doctrines to shield ourselves from this supposedly evil world and our own humanity, all in the hope of finding peace and freedom in heaven.
Amidst the frightening aspects of life, it’s easy to lose sight of beauty, and we forget that were made with the courage to face our fears. There's a universe waiting to be explored, a spirit, a heart, and a body that you need not fear. In the quest to protect ourselves, we often end up hiding from our own true selves, fearing that our natural longings and autonomy are inherently evil.
Yet, we yearn to be seen, known, and loved, to find a place where we truly belong, because at the core of our existence, we crave connection and love.
Leo Buscaglia once said:
"Most of us remain strangers to ourselves, hiding who we are, and ask other strangers, hiding who they are, to love us."
But it doesn't have to be this way; you can practice liberation from this self-imposed exile.
There's hiding, and then there are safe spaces. There's secrecy, and then there's sacredness. You can isolate yourself from your desires and others to stay safe, or you can create safety through healthy boundaries and open communication.
In this series, we'll explore the ways we hide in people-pleasing, posing, performing, perfecting, and proving, and consider what might lie beyond these coping mechanisms that isolate us from love, life, and our true selves.
Ironically, those scriptures and concepts about God as a refuge? The path to that refuge involves facing fears, allowing yourself to be seen, having faith, setting healthy boundaries, trusting, and living wholeheartedly. True safety comes not from isolation but from taking responsibility for your life and showing up with courage, love, and grace.
Because I can tell you this: on the other side of hiding lies connection, hope, and belonging. On the other side of hiding is the love you've been denying yourself. Break down those walls and immerse yourself in the fullness of life.
"Love makes your soul crawl out from its hiding place." - Zora Neale Hurston.
I’d love to see you in the App, xo
Liz Milani
Instagram: @thepracticeco
From this week’s series titled "How To Stop Hiding," with a subscription in the App. Hope to see you there.